Friday 4 March 2016


Okay, let's clear this up right from the start: me being a computer expert is never gonna happen, as much as I would like it to! It is pipe dreams, sheer fantasy land. But we all need our dreams, do we not?

I suppose it is quite unusual anyway for a female of my age (which is currently 64) to be dreaming about being a computer whizz-kid. Most of the women I know have just about mastered the art of looking at their emails and that's as far as it goes. I don't think they lie in bed dreaming about solving computer problems - and if their computer goes wrong, it is packed straight off to the computer shop. Their minds are probably full of thoughts about their grandchildren or of redesigning their living room. I however have not been blessed with the former and the latter has never really interested me. I find a lot of the stuff that many women talk about a bit alien to me, to be honest. But then, I have probably always been an unusual person who has on many occasions found it hard to fit in.

Dont get me wrong though: I am not one of those hard, masculine women. Far from it, in fact. I am a soft, sensitive, emotional (often over-emotional, actually!) woman who likes poetry and most kinds of music: nothing too loud though, I am definitely not a heavy-metal fan!

The annoying thing about me wishing I could know a lot more about computers (apart from the fact that I am probably too old and forgetful now to retain much new information about them for very long) is that I do not know a single person who I can talk to about computers. If I was a young person now, I would most likely be able to chat to my peers and learn a lot from those with some technical knowledge. At my age though, there is nobody to learn from: you either teach yourself from odds and ends of information online, or not learn at all!

I do have a husband by the way, but his talents/interests do not lie in anything even remotely connected to computers. His brain is very good at solving maths problems, but not computer ones! He just does not understand the fact that I am never happier than when I spend a few hours trying to sort out some problem on the computer. Actually, for an otherwise intelligent man he is a complete nerd where anything technical is concerned and calls for me to assist him with even the simplest of things. He would much rather be out playing golf, or watching a football match.

I do not really know what I hope to achieve by starting this blog. I very much doubt that a kindred spirit - somebody I could talk to about computer stuff - will suddenly crawl out of the woodwork and befriend me. Great though that would be, in my experience things like that just do not happen to me! I am much more likely to end up talking away to myself. That's okay though; these days I am quite used to talking to myself! ;)

Chris (channeal)

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